Monday 13 May 2019

Career Defining Comedy Movies

Here are four of the comedies that were career makers for their starring comedians.

The Blues Brothers. John Belushi is one of the many hilarious comics to come up through the ranks of Saturday Night Live, and after his breakthrough performance in Animal House, Belushi, along with fellow SNL alumn Dan Aykroyd, put on a performance that was nothing short of perfect in 1980’s The Blues Brothers. One could only wonder where Belushi’s career would have gone from there had his life not been tragically cut short.

Airplane! Prior to 1980’s Airplane!, Leslie Nielsen was considered a dramatic actor, and a well respected one at that! His poker faced performance in the comedy classic sparked a new start to his career, however, and to this day he’s remembered as a funny man.

The Pink Panther. It was Peter Sellers’ role as the bumbling Inspector Clouseau in 1963’s The Pink Panther that made many call him the Charlie Chaplin of his generation. Despite a Stave Martin remake, the original film still enjoys popularity to this very day.

Groundhog Day. Some would argue that Caddyshack was the true begin of his meteoric rise, but few could forget Bill Murray’s masterful performance in 1993’s Groundhog Day, which served as a gateway to many hilarious films to follow. Thanks in no small part to its unique script, Groundhog Day offered Murray the opportunity to play to his range, with his character going from straight laced and cynical to simply off the wall.

Looking for some comedic content? Visit our online library at for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from all your favorite devices, and sure to have you cracking a smile!

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